
Friday, August 3, 2018

Jam Knot & Whip Finish

Through all of the beginning fly tying lessons I have taught over the years, two things seem to give novice fly tyers trouble on a somewhat consistent basis. First is the jam knot, which is the act of starting the thread on the hook. Second is the whip finish, which is the knot that I prefer to use to finish the fly. To be honest, I teach all my beginning students to use a half hitch when they are first starting, but inevitably somebody asks about the whip finish, so I will show that.

First up, the jam knot:

Next up, the whip finish:

Let me know if you have any questions!


  1. Scott a question about the whip finish. I'm a lefty. When I do the whip, I capture the thread 3/4 of the way around the shank, so the tool is basically close to my chest. Is this correct? I have a hard time with thread placement.

    1. Hi Mark! Let me ask one question... during your normal tying procedures, are you winding your thread over and away yourself, or over and towards yourself? Whether lefty or righty, you should always wind over and away. That being said, it seems to me that your whip finish should capture the thread on your side of the hook shank no matter what. Let me try it left handed tonight and see how it works for me.

  2. Scott I wind thread over the top and then under toward me, so it would hit me in the jaw coming up, not the forehead coming down.

  3. I've been tying for about 20 years Scott and I've never heard of the Jam knot.
