
Monday, July 30, 2018

Surrounded By Bugs

I'm kind of a buggy guy. I guess that is probably true of everyone who gets involved in fly fishing. After all, fly fishing has the word "fly" right in there, so you probably have to at least be OK with bugs if you are into the sport. Lately, although I haven't been doing all that much fishing, I have seeing a lot of bugs. It seems like everywhere I look there is another bug. Bugs here, bugs there, bugs everywhere. Instead of squishing them like most normal people, I take my phone out and take their picture. The bugs seem to like it better that way. Here are a few of my recent pics:

Monarch caterpillar, right before it magically morphed into a chrysalis. Have you ever seen that happen? It's freaky!!!
Might as well throw in a couple of fish pics, too...