
Monday, April 22, 2019

Wading While Wet

I have had terrible luck with waders lately. Either they haven't fit or they have leaked like a sieve. The last pair I had, from a company that shall remain nameless, leaked in both legs, right where the neoprene booties were attached to the breathable fabric. No matter how much Aquaseal or Loon wader repair goo I slathered on them, I could not get them to stop leaking. Wading around with instantly-wet socks is the worst! So, naturally, those waders had to go.
With my old waders, I might as well have just done this...

Fast forward to a month ago or so. I found a brand new pair of Frogg Toggs waders on sale in my size, so I grabbed them up. I have never owned any gear made by Frogg Toggs, but I have heard good things about them, ever since they started to make their products, back when I still worked at a fly shop.
New Frogg Toggs! And, no, I didn't just buy them because of the pretty neon orange zipper!

I will fully admit that I am not hooked up right, you know, in the head. I will spend seeming limitless amounts of money on more fly rods than any human could need to own, but I have a problem spending good money on expensive waders. That's probably why I have had so many problems with waders recently. I again did not spend a whole lot on my new Frogg Toggs, so I was a little apprehensive when it came time to use them. Would they be able to stand up to the rigors of stepping into knee-deep water, unlike my previous waders?

Well, on Saturday, they made their maiden voyage. And I am extremely happy to report that not a drop of water got through to my socks. Really, that's all that is required for me to come to the conclusion that these Frogg Toggs are some excellent waders! I have instantly become a fan!

Go Frogg Toggs!

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