
Tuesday, February 6, 2018

The Exhibitionist

That's a titillating title for a blog post, isn't it? I bet I got some new readers with that one! I know I would have had a hard time not clicking on it... 😀

Ahh, but the reason I called it The Exhibitionist is because I am putting on a virtual art exhibit of a bunch of photos I recently found. When my dad died last month, we had to look through old photos to show at the funeral, and while doing so I also found a bunch of forgotten old pics from past fishing trips. There aren't any big fish pics, but lots of scenery and river scenes. Apparently I believe that the roads and trails to and along rivers can be just as scenic as the rivers themselves, so there are a few of them. And some fish, too. Hope you like my photo exhibition!
Forest Trail

Unknown Lake
Birch Trail


Heading Home

At The Farm

Through The Birches

25 Pounds Ago In South Dakota

Day Dreaming

Ron On The Kinnickinnic (I Think...)

Whatever Happened To My Trout Magnet...?
Rocky Trail

Whitewater Fog


  1. Scott, I hope these photos continue to hold fond memories for you. I certainly enjoyed looking at them.

    1. Thanks Howard! Next time I hope there will be more photos of giant fish, but for now these will have to do. And yes, the memories are great!
