
Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Off the Schneid

I am not really sure what a schneid is, or even if it's a real word, but I have heard the phrase "off the schneid" ever since I learned how to speak the English, so it must be at least sort of real. I think it means something like "ending a drought" or to "end a bad streak". That's how I use it, at least, and since I'm the one writing this on the internet, I must be correct, right?

Well, I finally got off the schneid as far as catching fish goes. I hadn't even come close to catching a fish since last October, a total of about 7 months, which is about 7 months too long, if you ask me. It wasn't all my fault, though. A never-ending and interminably dreadful Minnesota winter happened within those 7 months, and, wait, no, that's the only reason. It was dreadful winter from October until May this year, so that's pretty much the only reason why I hadn't caught any fish.

Finally, winter ended and the bluegills pretty much instantly moved in close to shore to start to get it on. It had been a long winter for them, too... So, there are now bluegills all over the place at my favorite lake, and they have helped get me off the schneid. Among other reasons, this is why bluegills will always hold a warm spot in my heart.

If you, too, want to get off the schneid, go find yourself some bluegills. They will be more than happy to help out.
There's a bluegill at the end of the rainbow...
Gear used: Scott F2 774/3 fiberglass rod and Lamson LP-1.5 reel; Steffen 7'6" 2/3wt fiberglass rod and Lamson LP-1 reel. Flies: BH Rubber Legs Prince Nymph, size 10; Black rubber leg spider, size 10; Yellow sparkle wooly bugger, size 10.


  1. Nice going on finally getting into fish.
    I love bluegills.

    1. Thanks Brk Trt! Bluegills are the best! And so are pumpkinseeds, crappies, bass, carp, trouts of all kinds, and pretty much every other fishy creature!

  2. Hopefully getting off the schneid this weekend, but it's trout that are on my mind.

    1. I hope to be getting off the trout schneid this weekend, too. Heading down to the heart of trout country in SE MN! Woot!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
